
The most high-yielding soybeans Learn more about The most high-yielding soybeans

  • What are the most high-yielding soybean varieties?

    What are the most high-yielding soybean varieties?

    Soybean, commonly known as soybean, is an annual herb of Leguminosae. As an important food crop in China, soybean is widely cultivated with high yield, easy management and high nutritional value. It is often used to make all kinds of soybean products, extract soybean oil and extract protein.

    2020-11-27 The most high-yielding soybeans which varieties are there soybeans which are called
  • After two years of construction, the northeast high-oil and high-yield soybean demonstration project implemented by the state has launched a number of excellent varieties and advanced production technologies of high-oil soybean, which are gradually being produced on a large scale and widely used. On this basis, the demonstration technical expert group of northeast high-oil and high-yield soybean put forward the following suggestions for the production species and techniques of high-oil soybean in this region in 2004: in 2004, Heilongjiang Province and its reclamation areas can, according to the accumulated temperature and production conditions of different areas, continue to select high-oil varieties that have been produced in a large area and successfully popularized in 2003.

  • Introduction of high-yielding varieties of winter soybean

    Introduction of high-yielding varieties of winter soybean

    The so-called winter soybeans are soybeans planted in winter. In the south, soybeans are usually planted in spring, but there are several kinds of soybeans, some of which are suitable for planting in winter. Then the editor would like to introduce to you several high-yielding varieties of winter soybeans. Everyone can, too.

    2020-11-27 Winter soybean high yield variety introduction the so-called winter
  • Cultivation techniques of high-yield soybean

    Cultivation techniques of high-yield soybean

    Soybean is an annual herb, the most important legume in the world, and one of the most important food crops in China. It has been cultivated for five thousand years. So, what are the cultivation techniques of high-yield soybean? I. selection of varieties with good adaptability, high yield, high quality and resistance

    2020-11-08 High yield soybean cultivation techniques yes annual
  • What are the latest high-yield soybean seeds?

    What are the latest high-yield soybean seeds?

    Soybean, commonly known as soybeans, is an annual herb of leguminous soybeans, which is native to China and is cultivated all over China. It is also one of the important food crops in China. It has been widely cultivated all over the world and has been cultivated for 5,000 years. It is most commonly used to make all kinds of bean products and squeeze.

    2020-11-10 Latest high yield soybeans seeds which general name
  • What are the high-yield soybean seeds?

    What are the high-yield soybean seeds?

    What are the high-yield soybean seeds?

  • High-yielding planting techniques of "four changes and one increase" soybean

    High-yielding planting techniques of

    The traditional sowing method of soybeans is narrow and too dense, coupled with many other reasons, the yield has always hovered in the 100~150kg. After years of experimental research. We have explored a new way to increase soybean production by more than 40%, that is, the technology of "four changes and one increase". In order to increase soybean yield, we should not only select new varieties with high quality and high yield, but also pay attention to crop rotation. According to the experiment, after continuous cropping for many years, soybean showed slow growth, short plant, yellow lower leaves, early defoliation, few pods and small seeds. Test

  • Key points of soybean technical cultivation

    Key points of soybean technical cultivation

    Soybean is one of the important oil crops in China. Shandong soybean is well known in China. Shandong Province has unique advantages in soybean seed breeding and perennial stable soybean seed production base. Its improved varieties are exported to most of Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanxi, Hebei and other provinces hundreds of counties and cities, known as hybrid beans, become famous brand products in the Yellow River and Huaihe River Basin. High-yield cultivation technique of soybean is one of the important technical measures to obtain high yield. In order to obtain higher yield level, we must implement the combination of improved varieties and good methods to achieve high yield and harvest.

  • Key points of high-benefit technical cultivation of soybean

    Key points of high-benefit technical cultivation of soybean

    Soybean is one of the most important oil crops in China. Shandong soybean is famous in China. Shandong Province-has a unique advantage of soybean seed breeding, year-round stable production of soybean seed production base. Its improved varieties are exported to most of Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanxi, Hebei and other provinces hundreds of counties and cities, known as hybrid beans, become famous brand products in the Yellow and Huaihe River Basin. The high-yield cultivation technique of soybean is one of the important technical measures to obtain high yield. In order to obtain a higher yield level, it is necessary to implement the matching of improved varieties and methods in order to achieve the goal of high yield and bumper harvest.

  • Interplanting high-yield crops with corn

    Interplanting high-yield crops with corn

    Interplanting high-yield crops with corn

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of soybean in northern high-cold region

    High-yield cultivation techniques of soybean in northern high-cold region

    The scope of this model includes the northern part of the third accumulated temperate zone and the vast area of the fourth accumulated temperate zone in Nehe River, Keshan, Yi'an, Kedong and Heihe City, Nenjiang, Bei'an, Xunke, Aihui, Sunwu and other counties (urban areas) in the north of Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province. The soybean planting area in this area is about 10 million mu, which has an important influence on the soybean production of the whole province and even the whole country. The area has a large area of cultivated land, a high degree of mechanization and a commodity rate as high as 70%. It is an important soybean export base for the province and the country.

  • How to choose soybean seeds? What good varieties do you have?

    How to choose soybean seeds? What good varieties do you have?

    In fact, soybeans are what we usually call soybeans, florescence is generally in June or July, fruit period is generally from July to September, can be squeezed oil, can be processed into a variety of commodities. It is cultivated all over the country and is one of the most important food crops in our country. Let's learn more about soybeans.

    2020-11-27 Soybeans seeds how select all have which excellent varieties
  • High-yield and High-efficiency cultivation Model and matching techniques of Maize intercropping Sweet Potato among Spring Soybean

    High-yield and High-efficiency cultivation Model and matching techniques of Maize intercropping Sweet Potato among Spring Soybean

    Now is the time to sow spring soybeans and spring corn. Experts from the Provincial Agriculture Department warned that the sowing time span of spring soybean and spring corn is long, the weather changes quickly, and the sowing conditions are very different, so it is not suitable to sow seeds blindly in advance. Suitable sowing time is introduced by experts from the end of March to the middle of May. Under conventional cultivation, our province.

  • The latest corn intercropping high-yield crops

    The latest corn intercropping high-yield crops

    It is one of the high-yield cultivation methods, the main purpose is to pursue high yield, and the emphasis is on maximizing land utilization. Corn can be interplanted with many items, a wide range of applications, a lot of low plants are suitable for interplanting with corn, the following is

    2020-11-10 latest corn interplanting high yield crop is one of
  • Feed formula for sows at different stages

    Feed formula for sows at different stages

    Feed formula for sows at different stages

  • New planting techniques for high yield of soybean

    New planting techniques for high yield of soybean

    Soybean is one of the most important food crops in China, with a wide range of cultivation, especially in Northeast China, is the main soybean producing area in China. So, how can soybeans be planted with high yield? The following is to introduce the new high-yield planting technology of soybean. 1. Soil preparation is the first crop.

    2020-11-08 Soybean high yield planting new technology soybean yes China important
  • Shandong big growers teach you 7 skills to grow the best soybeans.

    Shandong big growers teach you 7 skills to grow the best soybeans.

    Shandong big growers teach you 7 skills to grow the best soybeans.

  • The latest course of fertilization techniques for High yield of Soybean

    The latest course of fertilization techniques for High yield of Soybean

    Soybean is one of the most important food crops in China, which has a long history and a wide planting area, so it is very important to apply fertilizer when planting. So how to fertilize soybeans? When is the best time to fertilize? What kind of fertilizer should be applied? Come to the pro-agricultural network to have a look at soybeans.

    2020-11-10 The latest soybean high yield fertilization techniques methods tutorials soybeans are
  • Fertilization techniques for high yield of soybean

    Fertilization techniques for high yield of soybean

    Fertilization techniques for high yield of soybean

  • Field management techniques of soybean in the middle and later stage

    Field management techniques of soybean in the middle and later stage

    1. Management of flowering and podding period the main task of this period is to strive for more flowers, early flowering, full flowering, increasing flowers and pods, and preventing the shedding of flowers and pods. It is necessary to look at seedling management, the combination of protection and control, high-yield fields to control mainly, to avoid premature ridge closure, in order to achieve the maximum leaf area at the end of flowering. Specific measures: continue weeding before sealing ridges, look at the seedlings as appropriate after water and fertilizer, early flowering stage should be topdressing for weak seedlings, not topdressing for strong seedlings to prevent overgrowth. The effect of topdressing phosphate fertilizer at flowering and pod stage was obvious, during this period, the leaf area of soybean reached the maximum, water consumption increased, transpiration intensity and water demand.
